Meet the Team

  • Ron Boyles


    Medical Marijuana Certification Specialist, Educator, and Advocate. Ron uses his prior experiences and success with Cannabis to guide others through his journey switching from dozens of pharmaceuticals to a strictly MMJ regimen. Like many others, he was unaware of pain relief without the use of opioids and other prescribed medicines. In the past 5 years, Ron has reduced his chronic pain and has had significant weight loss. Afterward, he started Green Bridge Society as a way to bridge the gap between cannabis and those in need.

  • Gerald Knepp PharmD MBA

    President / Pharmacist

    Dr. Gerald Knepp is passionate about helping patients find relief from their medical conditions and improving their overall health. He is a veteran of the medical cannabis industry, and he has personally assisted thousands of cannabis patients find their optimal regimen. Over the past few years, Dr. Knepp has trained dozens of medical professionals in using cannabis as an effective and safe treatment, and he has authored several college-level courses on medical cannabis.